Friday, December 16, 2016

My comment on Lorena's Blog (again, teeheehee)

Here is the comment I left on the best blog in the whole wide world.

Lorena! My favorite blog.

I was learning about this a couple weeks ago in my Social Work class. Isn't it insane?? The fact that things like this go on for so long without getting any attention blows my mind. How is it that no one talks about it? Why aren't we protesting out in the streets? Who knows.

And those links! Really good idea. So helpful.

I'm glad you chose this a a topic, because whichever side of the immigration argument you are on, this is important.

There are children being held in a place that is not meant for them, and could very well mean it isn't safe. This is not about politics anymore, this is about the livelihood of those who cannot care for themselves.

I share your frustration. Hopefully you got a few more of our classmates interested.

Good work girl!!!

Let us all get one thing straight. People don’t just all of a sudden snap and start killing other human beings.

I was reading a college's blog of mine, and she said the following

“I think it is especially dangerous in colleges what with stress out, sleep deprived, coffee driven people trying to go about their day and let’s say a student is having an especially hard day what’s to say they won’t shoot out an entire class room.”

I am sorry, but if your reasoning is that someone is tired and drinking too much coffee and overall having a bad day, that all will add up to a mass shooting… I just, Ah, I can’t. That is NOT what drives someone to kill.

NOOOooo… no no no.

There will always be a portion of every population that has mental issues. Whether that be that they have extreme anger, they’re a complete psychopath, or anything in between.

If Texas was smart, we would implement a nicely laid out process to be able to own a gun. Which would include a psychological evaluation to make sure people who are unstable to not have access to an obvious tool for murder.

There are those who shoot for sport. But if we really think about, guns are produced to kill. That's it. That is their job. And if we take away everyone's guns, how will we defend ourselves when that coffee driven, sleep deprived, stressed out mofo starts shooting up my spanish II class.

Ok, that was insensitive.  

But at the end of the day. That argument doesn’t fly. Your average joe doesn’t commit mass murder. But there are unstable people out there who are giving out warning signs like free samples of kung pow chicken from the food court at your local mall, and we all pay no attention until something goes wrong.

But the hope would be that with the open carry laws we have, someone would be able to stop that person faster.

But I also have to agree on the idea that guns are scary. We use them to kill our brothers and sisters every day. The reality is though, they aren’t going anywhere, so we truly need to come up with a solution that touches on more than just a background check.

Open Carry Laws

Let us all get one thing straight. People don’t just all of a sudden snap and start killing other human beings.

I was reading a college's blog of mine, and she said the following

“I think it is especially dangerous in colleges what with stress out, sleep deprived, coffee driven people trying to go about their day and let’s say a student is having an especially hard day what’s to say they won’t shoot out an entire class room.”

I am sorry, but if your reasoning is that someone is tired and drinking too much coffee and overall having a bad day, that all will add up to a mass shooting… I just, Ah, I can’t. That is NOT what drives someone to kill.

NOOOooo… no no no.

There will always be a portion of every population that has mental issues. Whether that be that they have extreme anger, they’re a complete psychopath, or anything in between.

If Texas was smart, we would implement a nicely laid out process to be able to own a gun. Which would include a psychological evaluation to make sure people who are unstable to not have access to an obvious tool for murder.

There are those who shoot for sport. But if we really think about, guns are produced to kill. That's it. That is their job. And if we take away everyone's guns, how will we defend ourselves when that coffee driven, sleep deprived, stressed out mofo starts shooting up my spanish II class.

Ok, that was insensitive.  

But at the end of the day. That argument doesn’t fly. Your average joe doesn’t commit mass murder. But there are unstable people out there who are giving out warning signs like free samples of kung pow chicken from the food court at your local mall, and we all pay no attention until something goes wrong.

But the hope would be that with the open carry laws we have, someone would be able to stop that person faster.

But I also have to agree on the idea that guns are scary. We use them to kill our brothers and sisters every day. The reality is though, they aren’t going anywhere, so we truly need to come up with a solution that touches on more than just a background check.