Sunday, November 27, 2016

Election Day Voter Registration

Thirteen states have same day registration available to its voters. So why don’t we? Don’t we want as many people to vote as possible? Yes, no, maybe so?

I believe that Texas should institute Election-Day voter registration. Why? So we can make the whole process easier. (also we could probably update those voting machines a lil, but that’s a conversation for another day.) We still vote on Tuesdays. Why? We cast our votes on ancient machines. Why? And in Texas, you have to register WEEKS before election day. Why? TO MAKE YOU NOT WANT TO VOTE.
Why are they trying to make it harder to vote? Shouldn’t it be the other way around. Well… Some people believe that all eligible citizens should be able to vote easily and quickly. OTHERS would like to make the process long and difficult, with the hopes of knocking off a percentage of folks (maybe those with less money?) from voting.

Thank the Lord Jesus that this happened…

“The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed previous rulings that the 2011 voter ID law — which stipulates the types of photo identification election officials can and cannot accept at the polls — does not comply with the Voting Rights Act.” (Texas Tribune)

But still, efforts can definitely be made to make this entire process more efficient. And if you think about it, the more diligent we are with changing this system of how we elect our officials, hopefully less BS like the Voter ID Laws will show up in our faces. I propose that election day be a holiday (I’ll settle for it being on the weekend), we give those machines a hardcore makeover, and that you can register to vote ON THE DAY YOU FREAKING VOTE.

Now please, go riot, go picket, go flip over some cars, or light a mattress on fire, whatever you have to do. Cause I am over it.

1 comment:

  1. I am writing in response to my colleague Larisa's post, "Election Day Voter Registration". In her post, she mentions that 13 other states participate in same-day voting, while Texas does not; but rather, more of a difficult process for people to show up and cast in their vote. She made some great valid points that made me question why voting isn't easier for us to participate in, like why do we still keep those old bulking machines around, and why is election day always on a work day...
    I really enjoyed reading her post because it not only was a very important topic to read on, but also, she kept me engaged all throughout til the end! Great job girl!!
