Sunday, November 27, 2016

My Comment on My Buddy Lorena's Blog.

This is my comment on the blog post “Texas, a Fossil Fuel Addict State” ...

I think you did a really great job of giving some solid facts and examples to help carry on your point. Isn’t it crazy… We are number 6 for most energy consumed per capita! Number 6!!!

But we have sooooo much land, especially out west. I think of those fields as the best place to build those Gigafactories and windmills. And I think because of the excess of land we have, that and the fact that we consume so much energy, should be the reasons we should become the leading state in renewable energy sourcing.

The context you gave comparing our energy consumption to citizens in India was really insightful. It is hard for people to realize how much we waste, when everyone around us is behaving in the same way!

It is so discouraging though, that we just elected someone who cares about cheap energy instead of safe energy. Hopefully we can look past that, and encourage our state and the companies within in to get ahead of the game.

Again, great job! Good examples, cohesive, didn’t drag on, and nice word choice.  It does my soul good to read a well written post like this one :)

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